Thursday, February 25, 2010

Just in from Darcy Chase:

"Ni Hao from Chengdu 2 (Thursday):

The students spent their first night with their host families and we all met up again this morning at our host school (Foreign Language Experimental School Affiliated to Tanghu Middle School). A chinese English teacher, "Mike", guided us around the campus and pointed out the various classroom buildings, the technology building, the dormitories, etc.

We saw dozens and dozens of students jogging around a sports field, all wearing identical nylon track suits (a typical Chinese school uniform). We all marveled at the very tidy dorm rooms - each consisted of two sets of all-in-one bunkbed/desk combination units so that four students shared each room. Not one item was out of place and there was absolutely nothing on the walls. This school houses not only middle and high school students but primary students as well. we caught a quick glimpse of five and six year old students having their recess. Later, when we passed by some young students, many of them shouted "hello" and wanted to talk to us in English.

After the tour, we all convened in a conference room on the first floor of the Principal's Building. This was the official welcome ceremony and speeches were given by the assistant schoolmaster, one host student, one host parent, Mr. Baker and Courtney (we were so proud of her!). Official gifts from one school to another were exchanged. We presented the assistant headmaster with a plaque depicting our school. They presented us with a beautiful book of handcrafted paper cut images as well as several gifts for the teachers. The host families then presented gifts to their Gould student. After a group picture was taken, we all ate lunch in the very large cafeteria.

Lunch was a huge scoop of white rice accompanied by several different meat and vegetable dishes including cooked pumpkin and even rabbit! The only drink was salted hot water (the only safe way to consume water here). We noticed that many of the Chinese students had brought their own spoons as the cafeteria provided only chopsticks. We learned that the middle and high school students have a two hour break for lunch and rest but are often busy with classes and study halls through ten pm each evening. After lunch, the host families wisked away our students for an afternoon of shopping.

We teachers spent the afternoon window shopping in a HUGE shopping district. We spent much of our time scouting for western toilets and real coffee! It was overwhelming to be surrounded by hundreds of asian people. We definitely attracted attention as we were the only non-asians. Toward the evening, our host "Barbie" took us to Jinli Street. This is a gorgeous, gated pedestrian walkway/park with many small shops and food vendors. The New Year lanterns were still up and looked especially nice lit up in the evening. Barbie insisted that we try some of the sichuan snacks. We tasted things like spicy potatoes on a stick and a sweet white fungus soup.

We will hear from our students in the morning about what they did today with their host families. It looks like tomorrow will be a full day at the school including Chinese music, calligraphy lessons and a dumpling dinner. Oh, and by the way, we enjoyed 60 degree weather today in Chengdu!"

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